Don't be overly cautious, but be sure you talk to them on the phone before meeting; use instinct and good sense.
Don't Give Your Address or Full Name:
Your first name, and your phone number should be enough. But maybe you want to save your phone number until you've chatted with them a couple times online, that depends on your situation. You can build trust with someone on the 'net just like in real life, but, as in real life, it just takes time.
Tell Someone Where You Are Going:
This could be a friend you trust, or a relative if that would be ok. It's important because in the unlikely event that something happens, they can find you.
Use Your Own Transportation:
It's important to go in your own car or by public transportation. Don't go in cars with people you don't know yet.
Meet In A Public Place:
Meet someplace public, a cafe or mall, etc. That gives you a chance to check them out and see if they're trustworthy and if they're who and what they say they are before you go someplace else.
Walk If They Lied:
If someone is not who/what they said they were, and the lie is serious, then you shouldn't feel guilty for leaving.
Don't Drink, etc.:
Never drink or do drugs when on a date. That leads to impaired judgment and loss of control.
Don't Go To Private Places Until You Know Them:
Use common sense. Need we say more?
Bring Protection:
If you think there is any chance of having sex, bring protection and remember safe sex is always important.
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